
Indian Manufacturing Data Project

Faculty Research Grant
Grant Year

“Indian Manufacturing Data Project”

At the request of the Economics Department, the Hesburgh Library recently purchased a copy of the Annual Survey of Industries (ASI), the principal source of industrial statistics in India. It provides statistical information to assess and evaluate, objectively and realistically, the changes in the growth, composition and structure of the organized manufacturing sector defined as all activities related to manufacturing processes, repair services, gas and water supply and cold storage.

The industrial sector occupies an important position in the Indian economy and has a pivotal role to play in the rapid and balanced economic development. The survey is conducted annually under the statutory provisions of the Collection of Statistics Act.

The data set tracks firm investment and performance across a period of substantial growth and development in India. It, therefore, provides valuable insight into fundamental questions related in human development, including (but not limited to):

• How did trade liberalization affect firm performance and investment in India?

• What is the effect of foreign competition on workers and consumers?

• Have all demographic groups benefited equally from globalization?

The data set needs much work before researchers can use it to address these important research questions. An undergraduate research assistant will be tasked with creating a panel data set on the Indian manufacturing sector using the recently acquired Annual Survey of Industries.