
Grace Sullivan is a sophomore at the University of Notre Dame majoring in Global Affairs and minoring in Peace Studies and Gender Studies. Grace is highly interested in women’s rights issues and exploring the ways prioritizing women’s rights, specifically with girls’ education, can progress all of the UN’s sustainable development goals. During the summer of 2022, Grace completed an internship with a nonprofit based in her hometown of San Francisco called Room to Read where she worked on a project called “She Creates Change” that focused on amplifying girls’ voices as they create change for themselves, their communities, and the world. During her sophomore year, she developed her interest in promoting women’s rights through research with the Peace Accords Matrix at the Kroc Institute of International Peace Studies. She has been involved in tracking Colombia’s progress with implementing gender-based stipulations within the Peace Accord. Further, Grace is also interested in exploring the ways journalism and news media coverage impact mainstream narratives and perspectives on global conflicts, social justice issues, and human rights. She fosters this interest by writing for the Observer where she has a column called I.M.P.A.C.T. (Intersectionality Makes Political Activist Change Transpire) that explores current global social justice issues through an intersectional feminist lens.

Global Affairs
Gender Studies
Peace Studies