Foreign Investment, Trade, and Migration in a De-globalizing World


Today, de-globalizing forces, i.e., natural or man-made dynamics that hinder in-ternational economic integration and social inclusion, play crucial roles in shaping the world’s economy and influencing regional and global policies. For example, the European unification’s inspirational foundations are falling apart at the seams in the face of the refugee crisis, Brexit, and independence movements. On the other side of the Atlantic, neighbors are raising walls at their borders. In addition, the ongoing pandemic is drastically changing the world’s economic and social land-scape. The body literature, which traditionally focused on economic integration, stands on quicksand to confront the economics of disintegration. Capturing the effects of de-globalizing forces and understanding their mechanisms requires raising new questions to build new models, methods, and rich and detailed databases. The main goal of this policy-oriented project is to advance the economics of disintegra-tion into two areas. Firstly, a comprehensive analysis of foreign direct divestment. Secondly, understanding the role of migration and its interconnection with trade and investment.