
You Are a Changemaker: Transform Your Idea into Action through Social Innovation


Co-sponsored with Gigot Center for Entrepreneurship, Society for Entrepreneurship, and the Four Horsemen Founder Society. The event is an interactive symposium that features a panel of successful student and alumni social entrepreneurs and a learn-by-doing workshop on idea pitching. Inspired by their studies and field work related to international development, ND students have turned their learning into sustainable way of creating change by starting their social enterprises. The panelists composed of undergraduate, MBA, and alumni social innovators will share with you their journeys of making a difference while making a living and answer your questions on creating social change. An interactive workshop will help you to generate ideas and effective elevator pitches. You will walk away with lots of inspiration, connections with like-minded people, and useful skills to transform your international studies into action.

Christian Estrada (Custom Elevation)
Yegor Elkin (YugoFund)
Neil Jones (Engraved Traditions)
Jordan Karcher (Grounds and Hounds)
Jake Bebar (JIFFI)

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