
The Country of the Future? Public Opinion, Democracy, and Development in Brazil and in Comparative Context

Conference Funding Grant
Grant Year

We propose to organize a one-day conference in the Spring of 2017 exploring the themes of democracy and development in Brazil, and promoting public opinion research utilizing the World Values Survey and the AmericasBarometer (see attached Call for Papers). The format of the conference will be novel. It will be held simultaneously at Notre Dame’s Kellogg Institute and at the Graduate Program in Political Science at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) in Brazil, using videoconferencing facilities at the two institutions. The papers will be presented in alternating sequence in the two countries, and each paper will be discussed by discussants at both institutions. Beyond the academic research and scholarly networks fostered through this event, a key objective for the Kellogg Institute will be to demonstrate the feasibility of such cross-national conferences, and to strengthen ties between Kellogg and the UFRGS