Comparative Politics Workshop: Lightning Round Session
Lightning Round Session
"Territorial administration of Colombia’s 2016 Peace Accord"
Patrick McQuestion
Kellogg Doctoral Student Affiliate, Peace Studies and Political Science
"Water dropping day by day wears the hardest rock away? Political elite’s rhetoric and public opinion support in Brazil and in the US"
Adriana Pilar Ferreira Albanus
Kellogg Doctoral Student Affiliate, Political Science
"Heterogeneous public discernment of domestic corruption and perception on Chinese development finance in Ecuador and Mexico."
Jing Li
Kellogg Doctoral Student Affiliate, Political Science
The Comparative Politics Workshop is a graduate student-led forum geared towards presenting and discussing papers and research projects. During the academic semester, regular sessions are held at the Hesburgh Center. These meetings are open to everyone, particularly students, faculty and Kellogg Institute Visiting Fellows. Participants have the chance to present their work and receive valuable, constructive feedback from their colleagues.
More information: Contact Comparative Politics Field Representative Bill Kakenmaster

Patrick McQuestion
Patrick McQuestion is a PhD candidate in Peace Studies and Political Science, with a focus on comparative politics and methods. Prior to this, he worked as a Research Associate for the Kroc Institute’s Peace Accords Matrix, contributing research and data management in compliance with their official mandate to provide real-time monitoring of the 2016 Colombian Peace Agreement...
Adriana Pilar Ferreira Albanus
Adriana Albanus is a PhD Student in Political Science at the University of Notre Dame specializing in Comparative Politics and Methods. She is also a PhD Student in Political Science at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS - Brazil) with a specialization in Political Culture. Her dissertation at UFRGS explores the relationship between presidential rhetoric and public opinion in Brazil and in the United States...