Collaborative Multi-Year Initiative Grant
This grant is dedicated to supporting multi-year initiatives (academic events, conferences, etc.) that address critical issues on democracy and human development by fostering collaboration across various campus units and diverse academic fields.
This grant is dedicated to supporting multi-year initiatives (academic events, conferences, etc.) that address critical issues on democracy and human development by fostering collaboration across various campus units and diverse academic fields.
At its core, this grant aims to fund initiatives that go beyond short-term activities, requiring a commitment of at least three years, with a possibility of renewal, to foster lasting impacts and drive systemic change. This grant also requires a financial commitment from other sources, ensuring broader support and long-term viability.
Deadlines for 2024-25:
Tuesday, September 3, 2024
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Tuesday, April 1, 2025
Please use the tabs below to find information on multi-year initiatives grants.
The complete application will require
- A brief abstract (150 words)
A description of the initiative that clearly identifies:
- the topic of the initiative
- the international focus or dimension
- its relation to the thematic priorities of the Kellogg Institute
- the distinctiveness and timeliness of the initiative
- anticipated scholarly product (e.g., an article, a series of articles, a book)
- the target audience - A tentative agenda/schedule and logistical information (who, when, where, etc.). If you need any Kellogg facility, please note, any dates must be coordinated with Kellogg's Senior Events Program Manager, Therese Hanlon in advance of the proposal submission.
- A list of other sources from which the applicant is or will be requesting funding and their amounts (required)
- A detailed line-item budget (see budget template below)
- A narrative budget justification that provides an explanation of your budget at a high level; it does not need to be extensive nor detail proposed expenditures line by line as your budget does that. The goal of the justification, which can be brief, is to allow you to explain in narrative the rationale for the requested funds, why the requested amounts (e.g., number of trips, length of stay, etc) is necessary for the completion of your research, and how you calculated the amounts requested in order to demonstrate to the committee that the amounts requested are reasonable and not made up.
Allowable Expenses
Proposals will be accepted for most conference/workshop expenses with justified relevance and importance to the event.
Funding is available for a variety of costs, including but not limited to the following:
- GUEST TRAVEL - Includes airfare, ground transportation, and lodging.
- MEALS - Includes meals with presenters, receptions, and banquets.
- PUBLICITY- Includes ad space, poster design, and printing.
Please note that the Kellogg Institute typically does not provide honoraria for conference participation. (Honoraria may be provided for final written contribution to a conference volume.)
Funding Amount
To facilitate the implementation of the proposed projects, the Kellogg Institute offers funding of up to $10,000 per year contingent upon meeting all requirements and securing financial commitments from other sources, with priority given to new projects over those previously funded. Projects can be renewed conditional upon meeting their set objectives and demonstrated impact.
- Proposed projects must demonstrate relevance to at least one or both of the two major Kellogg themes of democracy and human development.
- Projects must be designed as multi-year initiatives, with funding allocated for at least three years.
- Applicants must demonstrate financial support or commitment from other institutions or funding bodies to ensure the sustainability of the proposed multi-year initiative.
- Proposals must articulate how the project will contribute to the intellectual vibrancy and scholarly impact of Kellogg's academic community, as well as its broader influence and relevance across the University or in an interdisciplinary field.
- Applicants are required to submit an interim and final report outlining the outcomes of the conferences or project, and, when applicable, a final deliverable to document the outcome of the initiative, which can take the form of a scholarly product (i.e., an edited volume, journal article, working paper, book, or policy report. The interim report will have to be submitted within 60 days after the completion of the event or at the end of each academic year. The final report will have to be submitted at the end of the project.
- Involvement of Kellogg faculty fellows
- Significance of the conference/workshop in applicant’s field
- Overall quality of the proposal and its professional presentation (e.g., spelling, grammar, and accurate budgeting)
- Budgetary appropriateness (i.e., the requested expenses are justified as necessary to the actualization of the conference or workshop and the level of Kellogg investment requested is appropriate in relation to that of other sponsors)
Kellogg faculty fellows are eligible for major academic conference/workshop grants, as described here. The proposed activity must be within the field of international studies or have a clear international dimension and the proposal must demonstrate the relationship to Kellogg research themes of the topic to be addressed. The priority will be given to new projects over those previously funded.