Panel 1: International Politics in the XXI Century
"Whole and Parts: Continuities and Differences in Pope Francis", Peter Casarella
"Idolatry and Secularization", William Cavanaugh

Panel 1: International Politics in the XXI Century
"Whole and Parts: Continuities and Differences in Pope Francis", Peter Casarella
"Idolatry and Secularization", William Cavanaugh

Panel 2: China and Latin America: New Approaches and Interaction for a Growing Cooperation
"Playing with Identities. Chinese Immigrants in Costa Rica", Ricardo Martínez
"Branded Spatiality, Traumatized Spatiality: The Production of a Chinese Urban Island", Hong Gang

Panel 3: Philosophy of Liberation in Latin America
"Philosophy of the Poeple", Juan Carlos Scanone
"Creed, Politics, and Populism", Emilce Cuda

Panel 3: Philosophy of Liberation in Latin America
"Philosophy of the Poeple", Juan Carlos Scanone
"Creed, Politics, and Populism", Emilce Cuda

Panel 4: Science and Dialogue
"Beliefs and Politics in Latin America", Emmanuel Taub
"Cultural Views in Latin America", Genaro Zalpa Ramírez