Comparative Politics Workshop

CANCELLED! Comparative Politics Workshop - Unpacking the State in Civil War: Contrasting State Capacity with Government Control

Josephine Lechartre

Josephine LechartreDoctoral Student Affiliate

Comparative Politics Workshop 
The Comparative Politics Workshop is a graduate student-led forum geared towards presenting and discussing papers and research projects. During the academic semester, regular sessions are held at the Hesburgh Center. These meetings are open to everyone, particularly students, faculty and Kellogg Institute Visiting Fellows. Participants have the chance to present their work and receive valuable, constructive feedback from their colleagues. 
More information: Contact Comparative Politics Field Representative Hannah Early Bagdanov

Speakers / Related People
Joséphine Lechartre

This profile was current as of 2024, when she was part of the on-campus Kellogg community. Joséphine Lechartre is a PhD candidate in Political Science and Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame, where she specializes in the study of transitional justice policies, civilian victimization in wars, and post-conflict political behavior...
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