
Alfonso Pedraza-Martinez is the Greg and Patty Fox Collegiate Professor of IT, Analytics, and Operations for the Mendoza College of Business at the University of Notre Dame., where he also directs the Humanitarian OPErations (HOPE) Lab.

His research involves understanding major global issues and the problems that humanitarian organizations addressing them face in the field, such as water management in Sub-Saharan Africa, humanitarian response to war in Latin America, and wildfire information management in North America. He analyzes these problems rigorously using multiple methods, introducing students to the research, publishing in peer-reviewed academic journals, sharing actionable insights with his research partners, and articulating lessons business can learn. Pedraza-Martinez received the 2022 Luk Van Wassenhove Career Award from the European Working Group on Humanitarian Operations. 

His research has appeared in journals such as Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Management Information Systems Quarterly, Operations Research, and the European Journal of Operational Research. He has edited special issues at Production and Operations Management, the Journal of Operations Management, and the European Journal of Operational Research

Pedraza-Martinez teaches humanitarian operations analytics at the MBA and PhD levels and enjoys directing undergraduate research projects. He holds a PhD in operations management from INSEAD (France).

Journal Articles

Book Chapters