Professional Development Seminar Series

Life After Your PhD


Helping Kellogg doctoral student affiliates to think strategically about the professional side of graduate school, to prepare well for careers, and to understand "the hidden curriculum of academia" (Barham and wood 2021). Seminar Series present by Sebastian Elischer, Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Florida and Kellogg Institute Visiting Fellow

Preparing for the Job Market Season
Wednesday, February 9

11:00 am - 12:30 pm

This session will focus on developments in the academic job market, preparing job market materials, interviewing, and more. Open to Kellogg doctoral student affiliates preparing for the job market or those just starting their PhD program.  


Wednesday, March 16

11:00 am - 12:30 pm

A discussion on the effective use of opportunities such as conferences, social media, and more. Open to Kellogg doctoral student affiliates; particularly helpful to those in the earlier years of their PhD program. 


Wednesday, April 13

11:00 am - 12:30 pm

A round table discussion with experts who will demystify the world of publishing.  Insights provided on turning dissertations into books, thinking strategically about publications and more.