
In memoriam: 9/9/1956 - 8/12/2018

This profile was current as of 2014, when he was part of the on-campus Kellogg community.

Richard Matland (PhD, University of Michigan), a 2013–14 Kellogg Institute visiting fellow, is professor of political science at Loyola University Chicago. Using a comparative institutions approach, he conducts research that spans public policy, comparative politics, and American politics, focusing on areas such as women and politics, social capital, and distributive justice.

While in residence at Kellogg, Matland will analyze newly acquired data for a book project on social capital and trust in Russia. The continued failure of democratic institutions to take hold in Russia is commonly linked to low levels of both factors.

The book builds on a series of NSF-funded experiments Russia that tested the impact of social capital and trust on cooperation among individuals in four regions. The study addresses social capital accumulation and the interactions across and within ethnic groups.  In addition, it offers a direct window on to how different religions handle the tradeoffs inherent to economic games.  Included in the experiments were Buddhists, Muslims, Russian Orthodox Christians, and Shamanists.

The author of dozens of journal articles and book chapters, Matland is coeditor of Women's Access to Political Power in Post-Communist Europe(Oxford University Press, 2003).