
This profile was current as of 2018, when she was part of the on-campus Kellogg community.

I am a PhD student in Economics at University of Notre Dame. I received a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Allameh Tabatabaee University of Tehran in 2009 in Iran and a MA in Economics from Bowling Green State University in Ohio in 2012. Before coming to Notre Dame, I worked as a financial data analyst at Huntington National Bank in Columbus, Ohio.

My research interests are macroeconomic development and economic growth. I am currently working on resource misallocation across farmers in Ethiopia to determine the reasons behind low agricultural productivity in this country. My study uses very detailed data across farms in Ethiopia on labor, capital, intermediate inputs, and production to determine farm-level productivity.

My previous research focuses on studying structural change in an open economy. I used US state level employment share data across three sectors of agriculture, manufacturing, and services, and showed that US local data behaves different from what an open economy model of structural change predicts. Although trade costs across US states are much smaller than the trade costs across countries, structural change patterns across US states looks very similar to what we observe across countries.

PhD Year
Thematic Interests

My research interest are development economics, international economics, and macroeconomics.