Maria Paula Bertran Muñoz

Brazilian Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Democracy and Human Development
Associate Professor and Chair, Ribeirão Preto Law School
University of São Paulo
“Predatory Lending and Social Movements: Brazil and US Human Underdevelopment Focusing Real Estate Debt”
Fall Semester

Betsey Brada

Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology
​​​​​​Reed College
“The Global Health Frontier: AIDS, Pedagogy, and Moral Transformation in Botswana”
Academic Year

Graeme Gill

Professor Emeritus of Government and Public Administration
The University of Sydney, Australia
“Bridling Autocrats: Limiting Executive Power in Authoritarian Polities”
Fall Semester

Maximilian Gödl

Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Economics
University of Graz, Austria
“Disentangling the Eurozone Crisis: Government Default and Bank Credit in a Business Cycle Model”
Academic Year

Victoria Paniagua

PhD Candidate, Department of Political Science
Duke University
“Elites, Portfolio Diversification, and the Politics of Development and Redistribution”
Academic Year

Diego Sanchez-Ancochea

Director, The Latin America Centre and Associate Professor of Political Economy
University of Oxford
“Mind the Gaps: Exploring the Interactions between Political and Economic Inequality in Latin America”
Academic Year


Ignacio Walker

Hewlett Fellow for Public Policy
Scholar and Practitioner of Politics, Latin America
“Faith and Politics:  Reflections of a Catholic Legislator”
Fall Semester

Veronica Zubillaga

Associate Professor, Department of Sociology
University of Símon Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela
“Women’s Responses to Urban Violence and Militarization in Caracas Barrios: Ethnography and the Forging of Memory”
Academic Year