
Born and raised in a village called Nagai (Siwan), Subhas Yadav is a first generation academic from an agro-pastoral community of rural Bihar, India. He is pursuing Ph.D. in Spanish as an  awardee of a prestigious University Presidential Fellowship. 

His research interest focuses on Caribbean Literature, in particular the notion of macro-Caribbean, Policoloniality, Postcolonialism, Subaltern Studies, Caribbeanness, intersection between Race and Caste in Caribbean literature. In addition, he aims to explore the intersections and interactions between Afro-Caribbean and the Indo-Caribbean literary and cultural sphere. 

Prior to coming to Notre Dame, he has studied Comparative Literature at the University of Hyderabad (2015-21), and at Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (2011-12); Spanish Language and Literatures at JNU, New Delhi (2006-11), UIMP (2009), and at Universidad de Extremadura, Spain (2017-18).