
Rachel DeGaugh is a sophomore studying global affairs, Spanish, and data science with research interests in artificial intelligence, data science, public health, disabilities, and human rights. DeGaugh specifically hopes to link these issues through involvement in AI governance and addiction prevention initiatives.

This year, DeGaugh is working with Professor Thomas Mustillo of the Keough School of Global Affairs, assisting him with his research on AI governance. She is currently contributing to a project on the state of AI regulation in sectors including state and federal policies, healthcare, education, cybersecurity, copyright law, and warfare. Her roles in these projects include writing a literature review, developing policy briefs, participating in policy advocacy, developing research proposals, and analyzing data and policy. As she continues her research through ISP, DeGaugh looks forward to learning more about the intersectionality of data science and complex issues regarding accessibility, addiction, migration, and public policy.

Global Affairs
Data Science