
Rieti Gengo (anthropology & peace studies) is a biocultural and economic anthropologist. He holds an M.A. degree in anthropology from Western Michigan University and B.A. degrees in music and anthropology from Davidson College. His master’s research analyzed human skeletal remains to better understand the embodied health effects of structural racism in the context of the American Great Migration.

Rieti’s most recent research centers on Kakuma Refugee Camp in northern Kenya, where he studies social and political invisibility, health, and economic behavior & integration, and resilience in both the refugee population and the pastoralist Turkana host community. He is also interested in the complex and often contentious relationships between refugees and hosts. He explores these topics through ethnographic participant observation, social network analysis, health and nutritional assessment, and physiological biomarkers. Rieti is a Notre Dame Presidential Fellow, and his dissertation research is supported by a National Science Foundation DDRIG and a Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant.