
Anchors of Stability? The Role of Electoral Authorities in Promoting Democratic Governance

The Role of Electoral Institutions in Promoting Democratic Government
Click to watch the recorded video of this live-streamed event:

Electoral processes are under great pressure in contemporary democracies around the world. Inequalities, the increasing dissemination of false information, and populist leaderships promoting polarizing narratives have challenged the integrity of elections and democracy itself across long established and emerging democracies alike. 

Above is the live-streamed video of this informed discussion regarding democratic threats and achievements in contemporary politics in the Americas. The event begins with an address by distinguished guest Lorenzo Córdova Vianello, president of Mexico’s National Electoral Institute (INE), which has come under fire recently in an escalating campaign against electoral institutions. Comparative perspectives will then be shared by Kellogg faculty fellow discussants Abby Córdova (associate professor of global affairs) and Aníbal Pérez-Liñan (professor of political science and global affairs), as well as Kellogg visiting fellow Julio Juárez Gámiz, the inaugural Fulbright-Garcia Robles COMEXUS Mexico Studies Chair and associate professor at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Sciences and Humanities at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).

Cosponsored with Notre Dame International.