
This profile was current as of May 2023, when she was part of the on-campus Kellogg community.

Juliet Webb is a senior studying anthropology, peace studies, and education at the University of Notre Dame. Originally from Larchmont, New York, she has been passionate about international education – specifically in the West African context – since a pivotal trip to Senegal in high school. In preparation for her upcoming capstone on the overlap between literacy and relationship-building, she conducted preliminary research in Senegal in the summer of 2022 on student attitudes towards teachers and personal literacy practices. This fall, Webb plans to further investigate student-teacher relationships through the lens of literacy as an effective relationship-building tool. The project will also focus on the role of trust in the classrooms, creating an overlapping web between literacy, socioemotional learning, and caring student-teacher relationships. Ultimately, Webb hopes to contribute – in some small way – to the growing emphasis on strong student-teacher relationships as foundational to meaningful student achievement and growth.

Thesis Title: Trust, Relationship Building and Literacy: Education’s Most Powerful Trifecta

Thesis Adviser: Jodene Morrell


Peace Studies
Education, Schooling and Society