
This profile was current as of May 2023, when she was part of the on-campus Kellogg community.

Isabelle Lukau is currently working with Professor Tamara Kay to study Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes), a collaborative model that enables medical experts to serve as mentors for community healthcare workers. Lukau works primarily on using qualitative data coding software for interview transcript analysis in order to study the global diffusion of the ECHO model.

Through funding from the Balfour Hesburgh Scholar’s program, Lukau is examining the barriers to maternal healthcare services in St. Joseph County, Indiana. Lukau is looking forward to exploring the relationships between structural racism and how it is reflected in the barriers to maternal healthcare services during pre-natal care, labor and delivery and post-natal care.

Within the Kellogg ISP program, Lukau worked virtually with other Notre Dame students under the organization St. Francis Health Care Services based in Uganda on a project that focused on the background knowledge and importance of WASH, proper sanitation and hygiene, as well as practical applications of principles by the community members. This included facilitating workshops teaching and demonstrating WASH principles as well as conducting a workshop with the other Notre Dame students that focused on the importance of WASH as well as good leadership practices. Under the Kellogg Institute course international development in practice with Steve Reifenberg, Lukau and other Notre Dame undergraduate and graduate students partook in a micro-internship as a consultant for the Harvard Program in Global Surgery and Social Change. Included in this internship were deliverables for the organization which included updated National Surgical, Obstetric and Anesthesia Plans, and facilitating in conducting interviews with key stakeholders in the Palau healthcare system.

Africana Studies